The other day, we told you a little about Kindness Girl . . . .
Today, we’d like to tell you a little more.
You see, Kindness Girl – aka Patience Salgado – is up to so much good that one blog post isn’t sufficient. Indeed, this could turn into a long-running series.
The theme for this sequel is a thing that Kindness Girl calls Guerilla Goodness.
Being the brilliant blogger that she is, we thought it’d be best for her to explain.
To quote our favourite kindness campaigner, “Guerilla Goodness is intentional, anonymous acts of kindness, performed in playful, creative ways, for strangers, friends and family. It is the power of kindness and joy coming alive for all involved, both the giver and the recipient. It’s discovering something about yourself and the world that changes everything, it is about believing and standing in kindness.
“Guerilla Goodness is dropping flowers on strangers’ doorsteps, chalking up sidewalks outside of schools with good wishes, leaving quarters in all the gumball machines in town, slipping Starbucks gift cards into books at the library for the next reader to find. I like to think it is where strangers and kindness meet to play.”
Patience – who admits to being ‘completely obsessed with the idea that random kindness can change the world’ – first launched her Guerilla Goodness campaign in 2007.
Since then, countless lives have been touched and innumerable kindnesses done . . . .
You can read more about her missions on her excellent Guerilla Goodness blog, and we urge you to take a little time to do so.
Patience is showing, more than most, that a little kindness can go an awful long way . . . .
Here at OM HQ, where we too are striving to make a difference, to touch lives and to spread love, we couldn’t be more inspired, so much so that all OMs created today will be dedicated to Kindness Girl and her Guerilla Goodness campaign.
To her, then, the final word:
‘Over time I realized that kindness came in all forms and I didn’t have to be rich to spread love and joy in the world’.
Here in our studio, we couldn’t agree more . . . .