September 25, 2012

'Opportunities to help others are around us all the time'

‘Every day, all across the globe, 19 MILLION people share a birthday . . . What if every single day, people from every nation used their […]
July 24, 2012

Please make a little time to think about the important things in life . . . .

It’s that time again . . . . It’s July 24, or as we call it here in Saunderstown, Rhode Island, National OM Day! This is […]
March 16, 2012

Sowing the seeds of love: Bob, Bogart & the bus of kindness . . . .

Imagine if we hoped for the best toward every person we come into contact with during the day. If each one of us shared acts of […]
March 9, 2012

Going the extra mile: Casey, Spencer & the Kandahar connection . . . .

It has been some time since he last bought a burger for a stranger. In Kandahar, such things are not so simple. That doesn’t mean that […]
February 7, 2012

"I have found out that being nice doesn't take extra time . . . ."

Isla Quinn has changed the world. Imperceptibly, perhaps, but there can be no question that the planet is a more connected place for her presence on […]
February 5, 2012

OM alone 02.05.12

Evelyn Lauder. Emma Lazarus. Rachel Scott. Miquette Bishop. We are all connected.
February 2, 2012

'Compassion is the greatest form of love that humans have to offer . . . .'

“I want to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion that will make a ripple around the world.” – Rachel Scott. She fell first that dreadful […]

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