January 10, 2012

The angel, the hope and the quest to make life 'as good as she imagined it.'

Born amidst great tragedy, so too did she die. Dark days bookended a life too short – it lasted less than a decade – but, despite […]
January 8, 2012

OM alone 01.08.12

Love is all you need. We are all connected.
January 3, 2012

all you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love is all you need

Before the billboards, The Beatles. Before the peace movement, the popular musician. John Lennon’s life comprised countless chapters. Running through them all, one constant. The theme, […]
December 22, 2011

No violence, frustration or fear: John, Yoko & the quest for peace on Earth

The billboards started popping up everywhere. In cities all over the world. In New York and Los Angeles. In Toronto, Rome and Athens. In Berlin, Amsterdam, […]
December 20, 2011

No room for Scrooges in Saunderstown: it's the Christmas Carol connection!

He had no time for Christmas. Hated it, in fact. Giving no gifts, eschewing its embrace, the season that he liked to refer to as humbug. […]
December 18, 2011

OM alone 12.18.11

. . . because nothing can warm the heart quite like an OM. We are all connected.
December 15, 2011

Crystal, Christmas and the Random Acts of Kindness connection . . . .

It began with an insult. Something snide, an affront from a co-worker, the negative so needless, the jibe one that festered. For Crystal DeCoursey, the cruel […]
December 13, 2011

Stille Nacht, salvation and 'a loving embrace for all the peoples of the world'

Joseph Mohr had a problem. His long-awaited carol service just hours away, the organ at St Nicholas Kirche, damaged during a storm that had prompted the […]
December 11, 2011

OM alone 12.11.11

. . . because artists and OMs are kindred spirits. We are all connected.

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