November 8, 2011

Connection 21st Century-style: Tweeting and the Dalai Lama's latest lesson

Think about the Dalai Lama. Picture him in your head. Now, what did you see? The flowing red and orange robes? The familiar smile and spectacles? […]
October 8, 2011

Enriching, enhancing, inspiring: Steve Jobs, the genius of our generation

The three apples that changed the world: the one Eve ate, the one that fell on Newton’s head and the one Steve Jobs created. Great line, […]
September 29, 2011

Invigorating, acknowledging, hopes and dreams

Question: Whereabouts are you planning to sleep tonight? In a house? A home? You might consider your surroundings simple, a modest abode. Trust us, no matter […]
September 22, 2011

What do you want the public to know about homelessness

“Homeless isn’t a different page.  We’re not the Bag Lady, we’re not the Hobo.  We’re not just a piece of trash on the side of the […]
September 12, 2011

Only One!

  Have you ever been to Ipswich? “Which one?” you might ask. It’d be a good question. You see, there are Ipswiches all over the place. […]
June 9, 2011

Alice Pyne

  It takes something – or someone – special to command attention online. We know, for we’ve spent a long time attempting to add to our […]
June 8, 2011

It's no Van Morrison, but we like it!

Electronic music has never been our thing here at OM HQ where after a long shift in our studio, you can often find us unwinding to […]
June 2, 2011

'I AM'

He had it all: private jets, a mansion that brimmed with priceless antiques and fine art, untold riches,  fame, fortune and all the trappings that success […]
June 1, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation

Kevin Bacon has made some great movies, don’t you think? For a long time, our favorite here in Saunderstown has been Apollo 13. To be honest, it’s […]

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